Thursday, July 29, 2010

More Reviews + San Diego Comic Con

Some more reviews have made their way to the internet!

First of all, J. Caleb Mozzocco wrote a great review of Cavemen in Space for the Athens' local publication Flagpole.
Cavemen in Space is an adult graphic novel without any adults-only content to keep kids from reading it, and one that works on several levels to engage both audiences.
After that, Mozzocco also gave his thoughts on the first two issues of Mermin over at his blog, Every Day Is Like Wednesday.
Weiser just plain drew the living hell out of a swimming pool of fish, didn’t he? Wow.
Cavemen in Space was also reviewed by French review site Onirique Comics! For those who can read French - the original article can be seen here or for those of us who only speak English - read the Google-translated version here!
Comme dans The Ride Home, c’est la bonne humeur, la bonne ambiance et la douceur qui guide le récit. Alors bien sûr, il y a des scènes d’action rythmées tout au long du livre mais Cavemen in Space demeure une bande dessinée destinée à une variété très large de publics. Hommes, femmes, enfants, il y a des personnages pour que tous puissent s’identifier.

As in The Ride Home, is the good mood, good mood and gently guiding the narrative. So of course, there are action scenes punctuated throughout the book but Cavemen in Space remains a comic aimed at a wide variety of audiences. Men, women, children, there are characters that everyone can identify.
Also recently, I've appeared on a few podcasts, both recorded at Heroes Con. I appear in the midst of Comic Related's Related Recap, and also do a quick interview with the Dollar Bin. I often cringe at the sound of my own voice on these things, but still feel the need to archive them here!

Finally, last week was the San Diego Comic Con! It really took a lot out of me this year, but there was still a lot of fun had amidst the chaos. If you are coming to my website for the first time because of seeing me or picking up something of mine at the show -- HELLO! Nice to see you! I took some photos of the show and posted them to my blog! Head on over there for some fun! Lots of costumes, and other craziness!


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